Little Green is a book about a girl named Xiao Qing. She grew up during the Great Cultural Revolution in China. Her mother was a teacher and her dad was a worker in the city. When she was 2 she had moved multiple times just to be with her father. She then stayed in the countryside with her mother because she had to teach. Her grandma and Grandpa lived close to them. She had different names for them like 'Yeye' and 'Nainai'. During the years she was growing up in a small school. Before they left to go back with her father her grandfather passed they then had a ceremony and blessed his grandfather. After a while she moved to the city to be with her dad and mom. The dad was ill and the mom was the only one working. He would sacrifice every little thing for both of his children. The mom used to make the dad soup so he would feel better. But he fed it to Xiao and Gege. This is most of what I can remember about my book because I read it about a week ago or a couple of days. I finished it on the first two days as it was an interesting book to me.
During the book she mentions how she can remember something about when she was a baby. Now this part fascinates me. She remembers about how when she was barley a baby that her mother was holding her. She was singing a song to her. It was full with rhythm and was thoughtful. This was a Memory moments part of the book because she talks about it a lot and she says its one of her favorite memories. I personally like this book because of the format of how its written. Its also detailed and its in first person. I would recommend this to my friends because they'll also like it.
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